Oct 11, 2007

I'm Off For Kenya

Yikes. It is Friday and I leave for the airport in less than 4 hours. I've spent the last 3 hours repacking suitcases - and taking out half my clothes and all the children's books I have bought for the library in order to stay within the luggage weight limits. Thanks, Bob Macemon, for dropping off the tools for the staff at the Kaaga School for Hearing Impaired Children; I'll get them delivered. And thank you Kathy Walker for shopping for things sunflower-ish! And even more for loaning me the suitcases - I packed the black one but you were right, the red duffle was lighter so I repacked and used it. And thank you Florence for the going away dinner tonight and to the Baumwarts and Kathy Hanoch for seeing me off. And thanks Rev Morton for finding things with Oklahoma City University on them to take to Fridah, et al. and for all the other great stuff from the Oklahoma Conference. I never did get the bishop and Grayson to write letters to the church leaders in Meru (best laid plans and all that). And most of all, thanks to Larkin for putting up with this crazy calling and backing me up. You are an angel. Where DID the time go? So I am off to join Katie McLain in Kenya. Stay tuned and be sure to read Katie's posts at her blog at http://kenyakatie.livejournal.com/, too!

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